About Bill

William Francis Ahearn was born in Boston, Massachusetts, grew up in Glastonbury, Connecticut, lived in California for thirty years, Virginia Beach, Virginia for ten years, and has made his home with his wife, Kate, in Edenton, North Carolina since 2012. During a creative, award-winning career spanning over fifty years, Bill has worked as a photographer, art director, graphic designer, marketing guru (he created Intel’s famous “Intel Inside” logo,) craftsman printer, antiquarian book dealer, and art festival artist.

As a photographer, Bill has traveled the globe capturing the light and the images it reveals while continually honing his craft with the personal guidance of such luminaries as Ansel Adams, Brett Weston, Bruce Barnbaum and Charles Goddard. From the days of the darkroom to today’s digital technology, Bill’s art has kept abreast with techniques, old and new, that best help him bring his vision to light. He relates closely to the manner in which the Impressionist painters saw light and that spirit imbues his images with timeless depth.

This website showcases Bill’s work and brings into focus his unique way of seeing the world around us while touching that place within us that resonates with its beauty. Please come back, often, as we continue to add images from his extensive portfolio. If you are interested in purchasing prints, give Bill a call or send us a message.

Visit the William Francis Ahearn Photography Gallery
